Surveying, Risk Assessment & Removal of Asbestos in Marble & Stone
Anyone who supplies, works with, or uses marble or other natural stone products need to be aware of the safety regulations around them. Naturally, occurring asbestos is likely to be found in many of these products and can pose a substantial health risk. However, some levels of asbestos are so low that the amounts contained in these products could be deemed insubstantial. An asbestos risk assessment can help you determine whether it’s present.

Try an asbestos survey from Safeline Environmental
Why might there be asbestos in stone asbestos in marble?
Asbestos is the term used to refer to the fibrous minerals amosite, chrysotile, crocidolite, anthophyllite, actinolite and tremolite. Some rocks and minerals do occur very small amounts of naturally occurring asbestos. These materials can include marble, vermiculite, dolomite, and basalt. This natural asbestos is present in certain geological environments because of specific geological processes and chemical compositions. However, minerals can also occur in a non-fibrous form. If the materials are not taken to a laboratory for analysis, they could be mistaken for asbestos. We can help if you suspect you have asbestos in stone or asbestos in marble.
Is my health at risk if asbestos is present in these materials?
The level of risk to human health depends on various factors. These include how much asbestos is contained in the material and how much asbestos is likely to be released into the air should the material be disturbed. If asbestos fibres are breathed in substantial quantities, long-term disease can occur. Some of these diseases can be fatal. If asbestos is present at a ‘trace’ level, the risk is generally deemed to be ‘negligible’. Trace levels are generally determined as only ‘one or two’ fibres that are detected within an object when the recognised polarised light microscopy (PLM) method is used.
How concerned should I be if the stone product has asbestos beyond trace levels?
Even if asbestos in stone or asbestos in marble is present above trace levels, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is a substantial risk. As the asbestos is likely to be locked inside the stone, it’s only likely to be released into the air if the product is damaged. Asbestos could be released if the stone is cut or ground. The more destructive the process is, the more likely it is that asbestos fibres will be released into the atmosphere. Again, an asbestos risk assessment can help.
What should I do if I suspect asbestos is present in a stone product?
If you are concerned that asbestos could be present within a stone product, testing should be carried out. A petrographic examination report can tell you whether asbestos is present, and it contains more than trace levels of the substance. The report will tell you whether asbestos minerals including chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite or actinolite are present within it. If the stone does have more than trace levels of asbestos, the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR2012) will need to be applied to any work that you carry out on the material. You could also think about using a different stone. If the stone is to be handed over to customers, you will need to present them with the analysis information. We can help you carry out an asbestos risk assessment and provide removal if necessary.

Asbestos surveys are needed in areas such as on a roof
Using stone products inside your home
The risk of using stone products inside your home is unlikely to present a risk. As stone products are stable, any asbestos fibres are unlikely to be released during typical everyday use. Fibres are only likely to be released when you are using power tools and therefore produce fine dust. Marble products have been in use for centuries and are found in a wealth of locations. These range from homes to theatres, churches, public buildings, and offices. You may need an asbestos risk assessment if working with these products in these settings.
Who can help me determine whether asbestos is present in a stone product?
At Safeline, we can come to your assistance if you’re worried that asbestos may be present in a stone product and need an asbestos risk assessment. We are one of the UK’s most prominent asbestos removal experts and are proud to be trusted partners of a wide range of insurers as well as private companies, public sector bodies and drying contractors. One of the things that set us apart from our competitors is that we put the customer at the front and centre of everything that we do. The vast majority of the assignments we work on come to us from repeat customers and recommendations.
Our uniformed staff are fully qualified, trained and competent to carry out their duties. As our paperwork is located in our tablets, we are able to provide you with detailed information on equipment, DBS, checks, licences, and training whenever it is required. Once our works are complete, we can email our findings out to you or get them over to you via email.
Discuss Asbestos Surveys with Safeline Environmental
To reach us today and arrange an asbestos risk assessment or survey, send a message through the site, give us a call on 01299 251083 or email us at We will get back to you as quickly as we possibly can.